Solutions | Haulers

Revolutionize Your Dairy Hauling with Milk Moovement's SaaS Solution

Hauler Empowerment

Enhance driver capabilities for on-time deliveries and customer satisfaction.

Seamless Integration

A plug-and-play solution that aligns with your existing processes.

Operational Excellence

Streamline scheduling, reduce errors, and optimize efficiency.


Stay ahead with continuous innovation and adapt to industry changes.


Why Dairy Haulers Need a Dairy Supply Chain SaaS Solution

Dairy haulers play a crucial role in the dairy supply chain, ensuring that raw milk reaches their destinations safely and on time without compromising product quality. Without the right tools, the operational challenges can be overwhelming. Manual record-keeping, inefficient routing, and delays can lead to disruptions that impact the entire chain. That's where Milk Moovement comes in as the solution to dairy haulers' success.

The Risks of Operating Without the Right Software

Operating without a robust SaaS solution can lead to numerous risks. Inaccurate record-keeping can result in compliance issues, loss of valuable data, and potential regulatory penalties. Inefficient routing can lead to increased fuel costs and missed deliveries, causing customer dissatisfaction and revenue loss. The risks can become quite severe, and the stakes are high.

How We Help

Milk Moovement's features for Haulers

Driver App

Make it simple for drivers to to create pickups and dropoffs from farm to plant.

Milk Moovement Android and iOS apps make it easier than ever to manage your milk run. With the ability to work offline, scan barcodes and pull up geofences on farm, Milk Moovement is the only tool your drivers need.

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Routes and Scheduling

Streamline Logistics with Routes & Scheduling

Dynamically project and schedule your organization’s pickups and drop-offs and have it available instantly on your driver's phone through the Driver App.

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Milk Tracking

Real-time route tracking and performance reports.

View driver location in real time using our location service features as well as produce route and driver performance reports to better manage and optimize your transportation business.

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Other useful features

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I log a pick-up?

To log a pick-up, after logging in and starting your route, click the “pick-up” button. The first thing required to start your pick-up is to choose the farm you are picking up from. Here, you have three options: If the farm has a geofence that you are in the farm name will be automatically selected. If the farm doesn’t have a geo fence you can either search on the list or scan the barcode on the farm to pick it up. Once you have the farm chosen click next. The next thing to do is to add the tank number from which you are picking up on that farm. After the tank you will add your dip (if you are completing a partial pick-up enable the partial pick-up button and add a dip end). Next, you will select the compartment in your truck you are putting the milk in, then you will add the volume picked up, click next. The final screen will go through the extra details in the pick-up, here you will add the temperature of the milk at the pick-up, a sample barcode if you barcode your samples, an image of the slip left on farm and any comments or rejections of the milk. Finally, you will click send pick-up and your pick-up is complete. Check out this video for a walk through demo on how to log a pick-up.

How do I log a Drop-off?

The drop-off process is similar to the pick-up process. To start you will select your plan to drop-off. This can be geofence, list or by barcode. Once the plant is selected you will then select the compartment you are dropping off. To drop off multiple compartments at once click split. If you want to drop off a portion of a compartment rather than the whole thing enable to partial button. Change the volume input to the number you are dropping off. Once your drop-off volume is complete enter the metered number, click next. Finally, we will enter the details in the details page, to start we will enter the temperature at drop-off. Next we will scan a sample barcode if one if taken with the load. Then, we will add images of the meter slip and the load slip. Finally, enter a comment or rejection if needed and click “send drop-off” to complete the process. Check out this video for a walk through demo on how to log a drop-off.

Can I use my own phone?

If your administrator is accepting personal devices on the system, you can download the application on your phone if it is IOS or Android-compatible and above version 7.

What kind of support is offered and how do I use it?

We offer 24 hour customer support. Our support staff can be reached from any of our applications or even this website! Use the chatbot on the bottom right to chat with us. On the driver application we can also remote manage your device to help with complicated issues.

How do I reset my password?

To reset your password hit the Forgot Password button on your app, or follow the link here and enter your email. An email with a link to reset your password will be sent. For more information on how to reset your password, check out this video.

Where do I download the app?

You can download the app here.

The farm I am on didn’t get detected by geofence, what do I do now?

If the geofence doesn’t pick up, select the farm from your list or click the barcode scanner icon and scan the barcode on farm to select it.

How do I hand off a route to another driver?

To hand off a route to another driver simply close your route with the “close route” button with milk still in your trailer. Once the route is closed with milk on the trailer, it will be moved to the “existing route” screen. The driver picking up the route can now click “existing route” and find the route you have left for them. They will then click on that route and all of the route details will open up.

“Milk Moovement has been the tech partner that we have been looking for in the Dairy tech space. From their deep commitment to helping us migrate our data & processes to their platform, to experiencing excellent customer service.”

A Collaborative Approach

We believe in fostering strong partnerships with our clients. Our dedicated team of experts works closely with you to understand your unique challenges and tailor our solutions to your specific needs. With Milk Moovement, you gain a trusted advisor committed to your success.


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Ready to mooove to a revolutionary dairy
processing operation?

Get in touch with Milk Moovement today to request a personalized demo of our dairy supply chain software platform. Discover how our solution can save you time, money, and resources while elevating your efficiency and profitability.

“Adopting Milk Moovement's technology has unlocked our imagination on how dairy supply chains should operate. I am a true fan of the solution and the capabilities it brings to the industry."